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This website is dedicated to healthy eating. As, a child I experienced losing my dad due to heart failure. I was ten years old at the time and I can remember my dad calling my mom from the hospital asking her to bring him a hamburger with all of the dressings because, he didn’t like the hospital food. I remember my mom bringing the hamburger to his room in the hospital and watched my dad gobble down this big greasy hamburger, and as I watched him sitting in the bed eating I could see a long cut from his chest running all the way down to his navel and there were tubes and wires everywhere. At that moment I can remember thinking “my dad is crazy he’s in the hospital because he had a heart attack and is not allowed to eat the very food he called my mom to bring him”. I thought to myself that I never wanted to end up in the hospital like that. From that moment as a ten year old I decided I would eat healthy as best I could. My dad died less than a month later.

A few years later while I was getting a routine physical the doctor told my mom that I was timid. After witnessing my dad in the hospital I was very uncomfortable there for my physical so, my mom and I talked about it later and I remembered her saying ” if you don’t like hospitals then you better never get sick” and I responded back “you got a deal”. It wasn’t until 1994 when I was a 24 year old that I really embraced the idea of healthy eating. In the summer of that year I decided to become a vegetarian and practice intermittent fasting. In 2005 I elevated my diet to organic only and cut out processed foods. Then, in 2009 I stopped consuming sugar. With each improvement to my diet I felt better and achieved better quality of life and now at 52 years of age rarely do I get sick.


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