Cucumber Lime & Green Apple Smoothie

Cucumber Lime & Green Apple Smoothie
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This refreshing smoothie blends the crispness of cucumber with the tartness of green apple, the zesty kick of lime, and the cool freshness of mint. It’s a hydrating and invigorating drink perfect for hot days, as a morning energizer, or as a light detoxifying beverage. Rich in hydration and packed with nutrients, this smoothie is not just a delight to the senses but also a boon to your health.


1 large cucumber, peeled and chopped
1 green apple, cored and chopped (leave the skin on for extra fiber)
Juice of 1 lime (adjust according to taste)
A handful of fresh mint leaves (about 10-15 leaves, or to taste)
1 cup cold water or coconut water (for added electrolytes and sweetness)
Ice cubes (optional, for added chill)
A teaspoon of honey or agave syrup (optional, for added sweetness)


1. Prepare the Ingredients:

Wash the cucumber and green apple thoroughly. Peel the cucumber if you prefer a smoother texture. Core the apple and chop it into pieces. Squeeze the lime to get fresh lime juice.

2. Combine in Blender:

Add the chopped cucumber, green apple, lime juice, and fresh mint leaves into the blender. Pour in the cold water or coconut water as the liquid base. If you’re using a sweetener, add it now.

3. Blend Until Smooth:

Blend on high speed until all the ingredients are well combined and the mixture is smooth. If the smoothie is too thick, you can add a bit more water or coconut water to reach your desired consistency.

4. Taste and Adjust:

Give the smoothie a taste test. If it’s not sweet enough for your liking, you can add a little more honey or agave syrup. If you want more of a zesty lime flavor, add a bit more lime juice.

5. Serve Chilled:

If you didn’t use ice cubes while blending, you might want to serve the smoothie over ice to enhance its refreshing quality. Pour the smoothie into glasses, garnish with a sprig of mint or a thin slice of cucumber, and enjoy!

Nutritional Benefits:

1. Cucumber:

High in water content and low in calories, cucumbers are hydrating and contain several important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K.

2. Green Apple:

Offers dietary fiber for digestive health, vitamin C for immune support, and a variety of antioxidants.

3. Lime:

Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, lime juice promotes skin health, aids digestion, and enhances the absorption of iron from plant-based foods.

4. Mint:

Besides its refreshing flavor, mint has been linked to improved digestion and relief from indigestion and inflammation.

This Cucumber, Lime, and Green Apple Smoothie is a perfect embodiment of simplicity and wellness, offering a light, nutritious option for those looking to refresh and rejuvenate. Its natural flavors and health benefits make it a great addition to any day.

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